I have also put together a little mindfulness moment for the children I work with, feel free to use it but acknowledge to A Quiet Place please.

Be mindful of the place you are, be mindful of the room
be mindful of the weather and the seasons and the moon

be mindful of the way you stand, the smile upon your face
be mindful of the food you eat, your movements filled with grace

be mindful of the place you are, the ceiling and the floor
be mindful of the windows and the handle on the door

be mindful of the breath you breath, be mindful every day
be mindful of each moment, here and now, we’re on our way

be mindful of the sounds you hear, be mindful far and wide
be specially mindful of those sounds you’re hearing deep inside

be mindful of the soundscapes here, be mindful of my voice
be mindful of your heartbeat, and the quietening of the noise

be mindful of the sounds of words, be mindful how you train
that very idle chatter that you’re hearing in your brain

be mindful of the breath you breath, be mindful every day
be mindful of each moment, here and now we’re on our way,

be mindful of your physi bod, be mindful of your heart
be mindful of your feelings and the power when they start

be mindful of the touch of breath, be mindful of your nose
the gentle breathing rythm from your head down to your toes

be mindful of the breath you breath, be mindful every day
be mindful of each moment, here and now we’re on our way
here and now (with breath) here and now…here , now ,no-wheeere
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (on out breath)