Penelope MoonDirector
I developed the foundations of A Quiet Place whilst working within a number of mainstream schools across the UK and Channel Islands. I am also an accomplished author and has worked on a number of resources for adults and children, relaxation CDs and academic literature.

Areas of Expertise:
Workshop facilitation, teaching, emotional and behaviour development, qualified hypo/psycho therapist, complimentary medicine, educational therapeutics and child, parent and family support.

Roles and Responsibilities:
With nearly three decades of experience, I am the founder of A Quiet Place and responsible for Vision Management; Documentation/Reports; Supervision/Training/Management; Organisational Developments; Procedure review for A Quiet Place; Liaison with clients and regulatory bodies

Audrey HannahSenior Therapist
As a UKCP Senior Therapist, trainer and supervisor, I have worked for A Quiet Place for over fifteen years now, both directly with children and as a supervisor. More recently I have been involved in training and the development of new products such as The Magic Carpet.

I supervise and train the new Facilitators who deliver our programmes on a one to one basis. Recently I have been part of the delivery and development of our latest programme Theta group which has been effective in maintaining children in mainstream who otherwise may have been excluded see research and article.

I love working with the children and families and listening to the parents finally feeling there is some change with the children and often the whole family.

David BoydSelf Management Programme Coordinator
I have been a trainer in bio-feedback computer programs for over seven years. My main credentials are that I have trained at the Institute of HeartMath in San Francisco, USA to become one of their licensed trainers. For anything to do with HeartMath bio-feedback and training please contact me directly at

I have trained over 600 people in the science and use of Bio-feedback in a variety of different educational settings and I have worked directly with over 900 young people in schools, children’s homes and Adult Education Centres using a variety of different techniques which allow the client to maximise positive emotions and help alleviate stress.

I have also trained with the relevant organisational bodies in performance coaching, NLP, Fencing, trampolining and snorkel diving.

Angie KirkhamAdministration
I organise the office and various training events helping in the smooth running of the AQP business. I am in the process of learning about the evaluations and record keeping in order to assist Joan with the annual reports.

For anything to do with administration please contact me directly at

Jeanette BadgerSenior Bodywork Supervisor and Psychotherapist
I have ten years experience of working within schools, applying my skills as a body worker and psychotherapist. I also have experience in training and supervising A Quiet Place facilitators.

I have a diploma and am qualified in Psychotherapy/Hypnotherapy, and have been trained for NLP. I have a certificate for Play Therapy

For my body work I hold certificates and am qualified in Reflexology,Aromatherapy, Indian head massage, Baby Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Hopi Ear Candling.

Karen HorrocksPA
Having worked with AQP for 10 years, initially as P.A. to Penny Moon, I have over 20 years experience working in administration and setting up new systems within organisations.

For all queries relating to financial matters please contact me at

Kay AdamsonQuality Assurance and Training Cert.Ed. D.A.S.E. M.A.
I am an Associate of A Quiet Place offering consultancy, training and supervision. My professional background is in teaching within the Primary, Secondary and Higher Education sectors.

My early specialism in Special Educational Needs developed to include my further study in psychology and emotional well-being. This became my focus in Continuing Professional Development with teachers. My commitment to holistic education has been a vital strand to my career.

Joan TaylorData and Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation BEd, ACE(Autism)
Over twenty years teaching pupils with special needs, particularly ASD, showed the need for reduction of stress/anxiety before learning can take place. As a senior manager in school, I appreciate the need for accurate data to support the investment schools make in A Quiet Place and hopefully contribute to this.
Maria ParkinsonAQP Facilitator and Bodyworker
I have eight years experience of working within schools. As a fully qualified holistic therapist and AQP facilitator I work alongside a psychotherapist to support emotional well-being. I also have experience of supporting children’s’ learning, working on the national curriculum.

I hold a HNC in Applied Biology, Diploma in Reflexology and Certificates in Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage. I also have a CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools. I have trained as a Facilitator and successfully achieved the A Quiet Place EQ Diploma in Educational Therapeutics.