“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ― Leo Buscaglia


To develop compassionate and skilled practitioners who are trained up in the delivery of an effective programme designed to help reduce

Who is it for?

Anyone who is working with the elderly or dementia sufferers in the community or residentially.

Question: What is the one key factor common to working with people of all ages and abilities?

Answer: Anxiety

  • Understanding the physiology of anxiety is essential to the management of stress
  • Research has shown that stress can cause as well as exacerbate poor physical and mental health.
  • Reducing anxiety can therefore provide the body and mind time to begin the process of healing and recovery.


What are people saying about the programme:

‘This has helped me when working towards developing depth of relationship with my clients.’ (S.C.)

‘ The heartbreath technique will be useful for both myself and my clients’

‘‘A simple technique but beneficial to all’


A Quiet Place offers bespoke packages adaptable for the unique needs of an organisation.