Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat…
How stressful this time of year has become, from the old mid winter festival when everyone was looking forward to a celebration and a sharing as well as a prayer that the sun would actually come up again..did you know to check this out they used to send the shepherd boys up to the highest point as the sun dropped to its lowest point on winter solstice 21st December (of course there was no roman calendar then just observation of the seasons and the sun moon and stars) so the celebration was on the 24th (Christmas Eve) to really be sure after 3 days that the sun was rising …( son arising after 3 days…could there be a spiritual clue here???)
So what about now you may ask?
Our wonderful material society which constantly encourages endless feeding but never become satiated…well do we…grateful or not or occasionally. So how can we stand up to those media pressures. Many people, the poorest often times borrow huge amounts of money and end up with serious debt with the legal or/and illegal loan sharks. The whole year paying for one day!
It could also be about us adults so a little self reflection might not come amiss!
The Myth of Christmas
You cannot deny it is a wonderful story, new baby, stars , royal visitors, mysterious lights in the sky. Wow. I like myths and don’t even mind whether they are true or not if they have a great message for us all. The there is the reality of course there is the ‘family’ and time spent with various relatives you may or may not have met during the year. Or does it only highlight a sense of loneliness for those without?
So relax with moon. Top tips.
- Be strong, ignore the messages of the consumer society.
- Be courteous and respectful to those who do believe
- Be generous of heart to yourself and others
- Enjoy with moderation, share no need for excessive food, some have none….
- Drink loads of water
- Take time out to relax
- Be mindful, turn off the television and delight in the mid winter, cosy on up with a blanket and listen to some relaxing music
- Pamper yourself, with some time out.
- Happy relaxing Christmas