I found myself in a dirty, sooty city. It was night, and winter, and dark, and raining. I was in Liverpool. I walked through the dark streets. I had the feeling that there we were coming from the harbor, and that the real city was actually up above. When we reached the plateau, we found a broad square dimly illuminated by street lights, into which many streets converged. The various quarters of the city were arranged radially around the square. In the center was a round pool, and in the middle of it a small island. While everything round about was obscured by rain, fog, smoke and dimly lit darkness, the little island blazed with sunlight. On it stood a single tree, a magnolia, in a shower of reddish blossoms. It was as though the tree stood in the sunlight and were at the same time the source of light. My companions commented on the abominable weather, and obviously did not see the tree. They spoke of another Swiss who was living in Liverpool, and expressed surprise that he should have settled here. I was carried away by the beauty of the flowering tree and the sunlit island, and thought, “I know very well why he has settled here, for Liverpool means the Pool of Life.” Then I awoke.
I was asked to develop a programme for the young single mums from Liverpool and as a shameless and hopefully honorary Liverpudlian I delighted in this wonderful image of Liverpool and thought it was very relevant for pregnancy…
Hypno birthing is very popular now and simple use of relaxation through breathing, positive language and guided imagery can only help in this privileged process. Enjoy…
Click here to listen to The Pool of Life.