
Blog for Christmas 2013

I had a reminder of this story that has been about forever but never loses its relevance via Hare Krishna. As a child of the Sixties I remember them tinkling and dancing about our streets with happy grins on their faces, an exotic Salvation Army, wherever did they go? To Russia perhaps, anyway enjoy! Thanks [...]

By |2019-08-23T20:44:49+01:00December 23rd, 2013|Awareness, Blog, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Blog for Christmas 2013

Healthy winter-yoga class

Gina was off last week with a chest infection and I was a little concerned about autumn and health so we had a class focusing on health and preventing infections, of course I always have Rita now 97 to keep an eye on but in truth most of the class are in 70’s and 80’s. [...]

By |2019-08-23T20:47:30+01:00November 27th, 2013|Blog, De-stress|Comments Off on Healthy winter-yoga class

Ofsted fashion challenge

Special measures, poor, satisfactory , good and outstanding a quality assurance venture. from Selena Weaver Fashion House The Luna Collection. There was a quiet sense of anticipation waiting for the Governor to introduce his own collection recommended by Ofsted to get an upstanding result for all schools. The hush in the crowded hall was intense [...]

By |2019-08-23T20:49:53+01:00October 29th, 2013|Blog, Training|Comments Off on Ofsted fashion challenge

Tiny Footsteps

by Penny Moon Once upon a time but maybe not so long ago and not so far from here (of course this depends where you are dear reader at this moment in time) there lived a man called Jack, I know his name well because he was my father and this is the tale he [...]

By |2019-08-23T20:51:24+01:00October 20th, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Tiny Footsteps

Inner Landscapes

A Smooth Guide-for everyday What is meant by Inner Landscapes? By Inner Landscapes I refer to the world of the imagination. This world will be stronger in some who have a vivid imagination than others. For everyone it will be characterised by circumstances and experiences that have occurred in their life, and in particular those [...]

By |2020-07-08T15:59:50+01:00August 10th, 2013|Blog, De-stress, Relaxation techniques|Comments Off on Inner Landscapes